The Anxiety Coach

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Release yourself from anxiety

Anxiety Wizard is a complete Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Program that you can do yourself. It delivers all the skills and tools you need to change how you think, feel and live. Use Anxiety Wizard to release yourself from anxiety and have the life you want.

CBT is the most powerful and reliable treatment for all psychological problems, things like, panic, anxiety, depression and stress. Dr Purves has created a Self Help Version of CBT that you can use at home or where ever you are, on any device, at any time. You have full and immediate access to the complete program. 

Dr Purves has treated thousands of patients face to face in his clinic. He has turned his vast clinical experience into a set of skills and tools that 'just make perfect sense'. His approach is not complicated nor is it difficult to understand. It is quite simply your path to a better life.

It's like you become your own therapist. Learn how to release yourself from anxiety and you can live the life you want.

Start Now with Anxiety Wizard and Get On The Journey to Great Mental Health

New Panic Pit Stop

Panic Pit Stop is the number one program to teach you how to re-train your brain out of panic. Join now and get the Panic Pit Stop workbook FREE and bonus programs to give you everything you need to be panic free forever. 

Get your Panic Pit Stop Workbook FREE here now

The Panic Pit Stop Workbook, 8000 words of important knowledge and tools is a great accompaniment to the Panic Pit Stop Program. Simply express your interest and it is sent to your email.

A short recomentation

Susan has found Anxiety Wizard really helpful. Listen to her experience.


Join Anxiety Wizard today and get on track to eliminate panic and anxiety from your life. It is FREE for 7 days, so check it out.


April has found huge benefit from using Anxiety wizard


Jeri shared her experience of using Anxiety Wizard

Jeri learned to take back control over her mental health.

Short Courses

People love these short focused courses. Once you join, the login details will be sent to your email address and then you have complete password protected access to your account.

The Stop Overthinking 7 Day Challenge

The Fabulous STOP Overthinking 7 Day Challenge is the place to get the skills and tools  you need to finally put a stop to overthinking. £29.99 one time payment. 

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Get On Top Of GAD

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is the most common anxiety disorder in the world. It can be life altering and devastating, if you do nothing. But, if you follow this program then you can recover and stay well. 

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Make Worry History

Worry can be life destroying. Learn the skills and tools you need to genuinely Make Worry History. 29.99 one time payment.  

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Popular Courses

Boost Your Self Esteem In 7 Days Challenge

This 7 day course will boost your self esteem and lead to you feeling better in many areas of your life. If you are thinking of buying a self help book - don't - use this course and see quick results.

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The Mindfulness Journey

Mindfulness is a way of being, an approach to life and a skillset you can use to navigate the modern world. We start from the proposition that our lives are run on automatic pilot for most of the time. Therefore, your problems also are created on autopilot. By becoming more conscious, you have the opportunity take emotional control back from your autopilot and resolve your struggles. 

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Insights From The Clinic

These are a series of video shorts that offer an opportunity to learn from the insights created by real psychotherapy clients as they journey through therapy. Everyone struggles at some point in their lives and to know how real clients found the wisdom and insight, through therapy, to get through their challenges can be really useful.


Jennifer has found real value form using Anxiety wizard

The Stepping Stones to Good Mental Health Podcast

This podcast offers a series of short yet fundamental steps you will need to take if you want to journey towards good mental health. Bite-sized and conversational in tone this series of podcasts gives you easy and free access to the concepts of Active Self Help.


Listen to the podcast here

The Power Hour

Sometimes it only takes a bit of focused time to put you on the right track. Many problems can be clarified or even solved with a focused hour of collaborative attention. Join Dr Purves for a focused Power Hour devoted to helping you to move forward. To know more click on the image or the button below. Don't be afraid. You will be helped. 

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"Thank you, David. I love the logic and strategic approach to your program. "If you were under real threat you'd be defending your life - you'd be running away." So logical! No other psychologist (or psychiatrist) I've seen over the years, has defined the thinking patterns and behaviours like you have! Having watched the videos on the Panic Pit Stop, I could now clearly (for the first time in decades) identify my problem as being anxiety. I'm surprised that what research has shown so far, that the ER medics don't diagnose a panic/attack when all the vital organs and blood work check out normal. I am so relieved that you are showing me how to take the next steps. "

A successful journey taken
Lynne Watts

" Over many years, I’ve consulted mental health professionals who diagnosed me with suffering from depression. I was always on edge and fearful, but I didn’t know I had anxiety as well till it manifested itself in the form of a series of panic attacks in 2016, landing me in hospital a few times. After being checked out by specialists and given the clear, the Panic Pit Stop App came to my attention. I had been familiar with Dr. Purves’ previous Mood Control series through his You Tube videos. I was particularly excited about the app which then led me to go more in-depth with the Panic Pit Stop Course. Up till then, I had managed as best I could to cope on my own because seeing a psychologist on a long-term basis was beyond my financial reach. The Panic Pit Stop Course, incredibly affordable, by the way, came to my rescue. After I signed up, I received a new module each week building on the previous week’s coursework, via email that included a video and/or audio, plus worksheets to download and print. Within a week of diligently doing the worksheets, I already began to feel more assured as the information I applied slowly began to unravel my faulty thought patterns. Note in my first sentence I said “suffering from depression.” But learning how the brain works in that depression and anxiety are outcomes from a faulty thinking process, it gave me great hope that I could stop the process and change the outcome. I could do something about my suffering. The most mind-empowering information I gleaned from the course was that “You are safer than you think you are, and you are stronger than you think you are.” Within three months, I learned to master control over anxiety and depression and haven’t had another panic attack since. It does take commitment and lots of practice and repetition to do the course, but the results are so worth it. I would highly recommend the Panic Pit Stop Course to anyone suffering from anxiety, panic and depression."


" Hello, Dr. Purves! I am really enjoying and learning so much from your Panic Pit Stop program...much more than I have ever learned in the past three years from my two previous counsellors. Neither of them have come close to teaching what I have learned from your program - sad to say, in the three years I was going to see these therapists (one being an actual psychologist) not one of them ever took the time to teach me, talk with me about (at any length) any of the information that you have imparted! In fact, I was telling my husband that I now look back at all of that time spent and it seems to me that all they wanted to do was just sit and listen to me talk, while helpful, no one ever gave me any constructive framework in which to truly get better - to get well. Your course is proving to be the missing piece. Thank you. Lastly, thank you for your time and thank you for providing the help so many of us out here need! Marion. "

A changed life

"Thank you Dr. Purves. By learning to respect myself, believing in my ability and trusting myself it became possible for me to expect others in my life to respect and value. I spent decades in and out of psychoanalysis talking about my childhood trauma and its devastating impact on my adult life. All it did was send me deeper and deeper into an abyss of depression, anxiety, panic and self doubt. Your approach to shift the focus from a childhood and past that I can not change to the present which I can, and have the tools, to change was the turning point. Reckoning that I can't change the past helped me to accept and let go of it, freeing my energy to think about the present and how I can make it better. "

Better self esteem

"Hi Dr Purves. Your course is amazing. I am so much better and I haven’t got to the end yet. Thank you."


"In the relatively short time I've been using Anxiety Wizard, I have definitely made impressive progress in terms of recovery. I've come from being incredibly anxious and depressed, to having extended periods of time whereby I'd almost forgotten about what had plagued me for many years. As recovery from these conditions isn't linear, there have been a few times whereby I thought I was going back to square one, but of course this is never the case. So if you're just starting out on your journey to mental wellbeing, or if you're already benefitting from the programme, I'd encourage you to keep on track and reap the rewards. One last thing, learn to ignore your inner critic as it's not your best friend"


"Anxiety Wizard cleared up the "mystery" of my anxiety, and for the first time in years, I'm living outside of my comfort zone and without all the restrictions I placed on myself. The liberation I feel still makes me giddy ! After finishing each module of the course I'd always have a clearer grasp on why I'm anxious, and what's really going on with me; The course takes the unknown out of anxiety, and gives you a thorough understanding of the issue, it's components and it's solutions. The course tells you how you got here, why you have anxiety, and how to get rid of it. Unlike most other courses, it doesn't seek to manage anxiety disorders but to eliminate them entirely from your life, and it guides you step by step in doing that. The material touches on many many contributory causes, triggers and "generators" of anxiety. While going through the modules I would often find myself almost laughing at how much of it relates to me and how it already seemed to know the intricacies of how I felt. The course shows you that the great monolithic fears that seem to grip you, and the seemingly un-explainable sensations and thoughts to be nothing more than logical consequences of faulty beliefs you hold, habits of thought, and other ways which you end up creating anxiety for yourself. The structure of the material is suited to an anxiety sufferer, starting you with the fundamental basics of what you're experiencing and why and continues to drill down into the details as it progresses. It is very content heavy, with over 100 lessons and leaves no rock un-turned in it's examinations of anxiety and how to eliminate it. Dr David Purves himself is a remarkable therapist and gives great and unique insight with knowledge and experience but also warmth, humour and understanding; He takes anxiety out of a sterile clinical setting and into your own hands, something which I am extremely thankful for."


"Anxiety Wizard Program Having suffered from anxiety and depression throughout my adult life, and having received substantial amounts of therapy in the past, I found that working through the course material was genuinely life-changing. For the first time, I feel that I understand what stress, anxiety and worry actually are and what causes me to feel anxious and depressed. More importantly, the course has given me some practical tools, techniques and exercises which have helped to significantly improve my mental health. I just wish I had taken the course 30 years ago! If you are reading this whilst feeling the world, viewed through the lens of your anxiety and depression is a very dark place indeed, I would give the following advice (with the caveat that I am not a psychologist, just an ordinary person who has suffered from long-term mental health issues and is sharing with you my opinions based on my experiences): 1. Recognise that you are in a bad place and that you can’t really trust your feelings at this time. Your feelings are not facts and you need to use the logical part of your mind as much as possible, however terrible you may be feeling, until your feelings re-align with reality (which is what this course will help you do) 2. Trust the science – the vast majority of people with anxiety and depression will make a substantial recovery – especially if they follow a scientifically proven treatment plan (and you’re in the right place as Dr Purves’s material is among the best there is) 3. The good news is that you will almost certainly get better – the bad news is that there is no magic wand and it won’t happen overnight, Be prepared for some tough weeks and take it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. It took me 3-4 weeks before I felt significantly better, 12 weeks before I was approaching normal. 4. Don’t beat yourself up! Mental illness is just as real as physical illness (Doctors can measure the levels of chemicals that cause depression and anxiety) – if you had anaemia due to a deficiency of iron you wouldn’t blame yourself, you’d do something about it and get medical help and treatment. It should be the same for a mental illness. 5. Get all the help you can. See a doctor and get signed off work if you’re at that stage where that’s necessary (again don’t beat yourself – the chances are you will be back at work in a few weeks, feeling massively better). If the doctor suggests anti-depressants, I would take them (Dr Purves might not agree with me on this one). However, these are only a short-term solution and the long-term solution is the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. 6. Work hard at the course – if you had a physical illness that caused you to feel as rotten as you do now and a doctor told you that there was a physical therapy that would take about 30 minutes a day with a 90% + chance of seeing a substantial improvement, you’d bite the doctor’s hand off to start the therapy – treat this course in the same way.   CBT Sessions I came to see Dr Purves in a pretty bad state. Since my early twenties, I had suffered from anxiety and depression, generally as a manageable backdrop to my life but with periods when my mental health issues would become debilitating. I had been treated by various therapists over the years, who had a degree of positive impact, without ever making me feel that my conditions were cured, or even curable. Hence I had resigned myself to a view that my anxiety and depression were a consequence of my mental make-up and the life choices that I had made – in particular my decision to pursue a rewarding career in a competitive and demanding profession. I felt that I would just have to manage as best I could until I reached a life-stage where I felt I could follow a different path. However, I reached a mini-crisis at work for no particularly obvious reason, which resulted in my being signed-off sick by my GP and seeking help from Dr Purves. At my first session, his questionnaire revealed that I was suffering from moderate/severe clinical depression and moderate/severe clinical anxiety. Not that I needed any diagnosis tools to tell me that. Four weeks and I was scoring mild for both anxiety and depression and after twelve weeks my scores were essentially normal. So what was different about Dr Purves’s approach and why do I believe it has made a far more profound impact on my mental health than previous treatments? 1. Firstly Dr Purves does not try to be your best mate or a shoulder to cry on. He is a doctor and a scientist and he wants to achieve the best possible outcome (which is of course what you want to!). It’s your life but it’s just his day job and for all his professionalism, I found it very refreshing that he made it clear that ultimately it’s down to you to put the work in to get better. He can show you the path, but only you can make the hard yards. 2. His approach (which is founded on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is highly scientific and evidence-based. As a scientist by training, I respond much more positively to this approach than to some of the pseudo-scientific babble that I have been exposed to by other therapists. 3. For the first time, I feel I understand the causes of my mental health issues and how they have arisen. Psychologists may not fully comprehend the workings of the human mind, but they do have a good enough understanding as to how conditions like stress, anxiety and depression arise to be able to treat them effectively. 4. I learned that a lot of my preconceptions about my conditions were wrong. For example, I was not stressed because I had a stressful job but because of the way I reacted to certain circumstances. My problem wasn’t the 101 things that I worried about but the process by which I worried about them. Most importantly, poor mental health isn’t something I just have to live with, there are active steps that I can take to improve it. 5. And this is probably the most important point. There are some very simple, tools, techniques and exercises that you can do that will significantly improve your mental health. I now spend half an hour a day doing these exercises – it’s not easy, just like going for a 30 minute run each day isn’t easy. And, just like a 30 minute run each day will massively improve your physical health, 30 minutes a day of mental exercises will massively improve your mental health (and actually 10 – 15 minutes might be enough) I came to Dr Purves in a state of crisis (if you suffer from anxiety and/or depression you will know what I mean). If you’d asked me then what I would have given to be ‘cured’ I would have answered ‘anything’ – life has no quality when you are in that state. The investment in terms of time and money will have been repaid a thousand-fold if I can sustain the improvement that I made over the past twelve weeks for the remainder of my life. Thank you David. "


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