Why anxiety is exhausting

anxiety is exhasting Jul 02, 2022

If you open my emails and watch my video's (I hope you do) then you will know that I was recently in Canada. It is such a treat to have a different area in which to film and the lovely weather doesn't hurt either. I took the opportunity to show you a bit more of where I was and share my thoughts on why anxiety is exhausting. So Watch the video and please leave comments. Also please subscribe to my You Tube channel to make sure you don't miss out of new videos. ...And...if you like the Rolling Stones I was in Hyde Park in London for the Rolling Stones Concert on 25th June. I recorded the song Sympathy for the Devil and uploaded it to You Tube. We were so close, if was fab. Check it out.

OK, anxiety is exhausting. We all know that. In this video I am going to share with you why anxiety is exhausting, why it doesn't stop being exhausting, but even more importantly what you can do to stop it tiring you out; making it hard to concentrate and function to your full capability. Also I will show a little bit of Canada as we go through. You see, I am in a little boat on a lake as I share this science. Anxiety can feel like a puzzle you can't solve. Worry can feel like an endless loop that never stops, sure the subject changes but the process goes on and on. This video gives you a critical piece of knowledge you absolutely need to enable you to put anxiety behind you. Take back control from anxiety (don't let it control you).

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