As you may know, Panic Pit Stop is an extended CBT program to help you to overcome panic and anxiety. The very front end of the Program is the Panic Pit Stop App that is entirely free. The deeper and more intense treatment journey is found in the Panic Pit Stop Program.
The Panic Pit Stop Program works really well and many people with panic and anxiety problems find great benefit from it.
However, in my clinic, I see that anxiety and depression almost always go together.
For that reason I want to offer a tried and tested depression treatment based on Active Self Help and cognitive behaviour Therapy as well as the existing, Panic Pit Stop, panic and anxiety treatment.
To achieve this I am re-making the popular Mood Control Program. I am re-shooting the videos and the audios. I am freshening up the connection to Psychological Science. I am adding in bespoke sleep...
The Kilimanjaro experiment was conceived as a possible solution to the problem of waking up feeling anxious. I took music designed to provide an EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) like experience and over-laid a guided imagery journey up Mount Kilimanjaro. Then I had those who wanted to participate complete a questionnaire before the started and then after a week of use of the Kilimanjaro Experiment.
The instructions were:
If you are going to participate. Listen to the Kilimanjaro audio as the last thing you do, in bed, before you go to sleep. Every night for 7 nights. The complete a new PSC again. Score both questionnaires and see what the difference is. That's it. Simple but possibly impactful.
I made the video after the results came in and then. Then the next day I posted the text below on the Panic Pit Stop Support Group on Facebook (if you are not a member but you are interested in having a better life then you would benefit...
The language you use to talk to yourself when you are thinking affects your emotional response to your thoughts. Not only that it also affect your cardiac response.
In the video I give you four tools you can use to manage how you talk to yourself.
I have realized that a good question is really important if we want to solve important problems. The most simple question is WHY. How often do we accept 'what is' rather than question it or ask why it is that way. When you struggle with anxiety, panic, depression and stress, you rarely ask why and you certainly don't ask why not. We seem to have become used to sitting in distress rather than asking constructive questions to help us find our way out.
The bad feelings generator
Self sabotage with the bad feelings generator exposes one powerful internal source of bad feelings. And it also shows you why you may worry and stress yourself when there isn't anything in particular to worry about. The bad feelings generator constantly creates bad feelings through a process of manufacturing comparisons between what you feel you should be like and what you really are like. This is the ultimate self sabotage because it is always vague and hard to pin down and it never ends.Watch this video and I will reveal what you can do to stop this form of self sabotage.
Let me show you can achieve and what is possible when you are shown exactly what to do. The people who used my program were English NHS patients referred by their GP because of depression and anxiety.
This video relates to my earliest program but the principles that make it effective are in all of my programs.
This is a conference talk and so perhaps the video is not of the highest quality but I would urge you to look past that at the profound implications of what I am sharing.
Alexithymia is a form of neglect that is specifically directed at emotions and their meaning. The problem this causes is that it is harder to read other people's emotions and it is harder to know what you feel about something; in essense if this trait causes a problem it can be very confusing trying to understand what is happening. Your brain will tell you that you have a physical problem while your hidden emotions cause all sorts of physical issues.
Be sure to download the new Panic Pit Stop App. It has some great toos that help you to find the space! This gets you more control over panic, worry and anxiety.
An article by Eliza Burdon.
I had a client recently (Eliza) who started to talk about the experience of panic as a seemingly uncontrollable journey. I liked that idea very much and we started to call it The Chaos Train. I asked her to write an article about it as it seemed such a useful idea.
The train stops at stations on its journey to the hub. Along the way it picks up passengers and freight, (burdens to take to the hub) as each hub is reached the burdens are delivered and the result of them expressed. In the case of this particular Chaos Train they are panic, anxiety and sadness.
I think the fascinating insight Eliza had was that it all felt really chaotic and out of control. Of course it feels like that because it is panic but it is not as chaotic as it feels. The train has to stop at the stations on the way to the hub and pick up burdens otherwise there is nothing to take to the hub and nothing to be expressed. By making choices and deliberately not stopping at the stations on...
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Learn how your brain tricks you into thinking and doing all sorts of crazy stuff. You won't believe it.